The older a tree is, the more carbon it stores. Through photosynthesis, a tree is able to capture and store carbon. A study at the University of Hamburg found that as a tree ages the better at absorbing carbon it becomes. In fact, about 70 per cent of a trees carbon is captured and stored in the second half of their lives.
So, naturally I think of all the mature trees on development sites. When we have the opportunity to retain a healthy mature tree like the English Oak pictured above, we should strive to protect it from development impact. All the roots, not just the 'bigger' ones are important to the long-term health of a tree.
Trees store a lot of energy and so the damage caused by removing roots today may not express itself for several years. I think we should always aim to protect the larger mature trees on sites whenever we can. It not only adds to beauty of the finished landscape, but as we now know is another important tool in fighting the effects of climate change.